Mothership Designs

"Multirotor drones can come in various sizes and are fast and maneuverable. They are a versatile platform for aerial robotics, automating tasks too dangerous, mundane or expensive for humans. The main drawback of multirotors is that they are very power intensive and therefore cannot remain airborne for long.
Mothership Aeronautics believes that the solution to short flight times of multirotors is to have them launch from a Mothership aircraft. This concept of the Mothership craft is that by combining a lighter-than-air lifting body with high density photovoltaic cells, you can create a flying solar power station that can manage, sequence and charge a fleet of multirotor drones.
These illustrations bring to life what this concept could look like. Check out what Mothership Aeronautics is working on at "

Jonathan Nutzati - Mothership CEO

Product Application

Product Application

Final Design, Based on a Whale and a Turtle.

Final Design, Based on a Whale and a Turtle.

The Blimp is based on a whale

The Blimp is based on a whale

While the solar panels on top are based on a Turtle shell.

While the solar panels on top are based on a Turtle shell.

Design sketches are also based on  sea animals,

Design sketches are also based on sea animals,

 since the device is lighter than air, we needed something that could literally Float

since the device is lighter than air, we needed something that could literally Float